Services we offer
Who we help:
We help children who have:
- Speech and Language Delays
- Deficient language skills
- Unclear Speech
- Apraxia
- Fluency Disorders (Stuttering/Stammering and Cluttering)
- Voice Disorders
We help adults who have:
- Aphasia
- Dysarthria
- Stammering
- Unclear Speech
- Voice problems
How we help:
During your first online visit our therapist will take a detailed case history and review all your reports to understand the speech and language problem you face. You will then be explained in brief about the assessment and therapy procedures suited for you. The therapist will also answer all the queries you have regarding your speech and language problem.
Detailed evaluation
The first 1-2 online sessions are assessment sessions, where objective tests are done to determine the nature and severity of the speech/language/voice
problem. Based on the results of these test a therapy plan is prepared and the frequency of therapy sessions is determined.
Online Therapy Sessions
A therapy session is usually a one on one session with the therapist. In case of young children one parent may be involved in the session.
Follow- up Sessions
Once the patient has improved and is discharged from regular therapy, he/she is kept on a follow up program to track the maintenance of progress achieved.
Duration of sessions
30 minutes to 45 minutes